Friday, December 24, 2010

Bird Tattoo Design - Latest Trends In The World of Tattoos

Now bird tattoos are one of the latest trends in the world of tattoos. If you are planning to get a bird tattoo done, first read on as this article on bird tattoo meanings will not only provide you with various bird tattoo designs, but also provide the different bird tattoo meanings which are necessary before getting any tattoo done...
Birds and animals have always been an inspiration for tattoos. This is mainly because almost every bird and animal has a certain meaning, which is of course given by humans only. Though the meanings are given by humans, they are not some fantasy meanings, most of these meanings are based on the unique characteristics of the birds and animals. This fact makes bird and animal tattoos more meaningful. 
Talking about just bird tattoos, bird tattoos even have mythological meanings, sometimes these meanings differ from country to country! Though none of the bird tattoos have negative meanings, of course there are exceptions like vulture tattoos, it is better to know the meaning so that you can get a bird tattoo which matches the best with your personality. The following are some very popular bird tattoos and meanings.
Bird Tattoos and Their Meanings Design

Dove Tattoos: Dove tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo designs. The meaning of the dove tattoo is the same worldwide. As we know, dove stands for peace and hope. Dove tattoos also have biblical allusions, like for example, the dove is said to be the bird who brought the twig to Noah, which signified the flood. It is used to represent the Holy Spirit in the Bible. Besides the religious meanings, the dove is also said to be the symbol of love, love for the society. Interestingly, there is one more meaning to dove tattoos which is not so popular, according to this meaning, dove represents death, to be precise, it represents the journey of a person from earth to heaven. Whichever meaning you take, all the meanings are noble and that is the reason dove tattoos are not gender biased. Men and women both can get a dove tattoo done.
Eagle Tattoos: This is one of the popular bird tattoos, especially amongst guys. In general, eagle tattoos are said to be a symbol of strength, independence and fearlessness. The American eagle tattoos are a symbol of honor, patriotism and spiritual growth. Bald eagle is a national symbol of America and is more associated with freedom. One of the popular bald eagle tattoo design is of the eagle with its wings spread and American flag in the background. If you want to get an eagle tattoo design as a symbol of strength, you can opt for the classic design of a soaring eagle, who is ready to jump on its prey!
Swallow Tattoos: Though these birdies are small, they are quite strong and also popular as bird tattoo designs. Swallows are associated with sailors; sailors believed that swallow tattoos symbolize a safe landing. There are also certain other meanings of swallow tattoos. Some of the popular ones are, two swallow tattoos symbolize freedom, they are also a symbol of loyalty and love. There is an very interesting reason behind these meanings, unlike all other birds, when a swallow chooses a partner, it remains with the same partner throughout its life! This is one of the good bird tattoos for girls, which can also be done by guys.

These were some of the popular bird tattoos. Besides these birds, other birds which are famous for tattoos are bluebirds, robins, phoenix, owls, robins, etc. So now that you know the meaning of bird tattoos, you can get the right one for yourself. All the best! 

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